One can never speak enough of the virtues, the dangers, the power of shared laughter.
The next five quotes were sent in by Ashley When the silences are no longer akward, you know you are around friends.
It is better to be thought of as a fool, rather than open your mouth to remove all doubt.
No lapse of time or distance of place can lessen the friendship of those who are truly persuaded of each other’s worth.
Friendship is what gets you through the bad times and helps you enjoy the good times
Friends are angels following you through life
Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts.
Any day is sunny that’s brightened by a smile…Any friendship blossoms if it’s tended to with style.
The better you know someone, the less there is to say. Or maybe, there’s less that needs to be said.
Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness…
You only meet your once in a lifetime friend… once in a lifetime.
A circle is round it has no end, that’s how long I want to be your friend!
A friend is like an oreo, its not always that great, but it always gets better!
A best friend is a sister that destiny forgot to give you.
One loyal friend is better than ten thousand family members.
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